- 亞洲藝術文獻庫
- Defne Ayas
- Tobias Berger
- Heman Chong
- Hong Kong New Music Ensemble
- 徐文玠
- Intelligence Squared
- M+ Museum of Visual Culture
- Para Site Art Space
- Yana Peel
- Alexandra A. Seno
- 大館當代美術館
- Witte de With
Witte de With & Spring present
Moderation(s) is a year-long collaboration in 2013 originated by Defne Ayas, Director and Curator of Witte de With (Rotterdam) & Mimi Brown, Founder of Spring Workshop (Hong Kong). Conceived as an anthology of active proposals, Moderation(s) brings together an international group of artists, curators and writers in a 12-month program of contemporary discourse and production between the two organisations. Within this framework, the artist Heman Chong will steer the project which will involve more than 50 artists and engender a conference, three exhibitions, three residencies and a book of short stories.
At Spring:
January 2013
Latitudes: Incidents of Travel
Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna, the curatorial duo Latitudes, will produce Incidents of Travel, for which the pair will invite Hong Kong artists including Ho Sin Tung, Yuk King Tan, Nadim Abbas, and Samson Young to develop day-long tours that articulate the city and their artistic practice through routes and waypoints.
June 2013
A Fictional Residency
15 artists, curators and writers from Hong Kong will produce short stories during A Fictional Residency within a workshop led by an acclaimed author.
October 2013
A Constructed World: Social Contract
A Constructed World will produce The Social Contract, at Spring in October 2013, a work in which audiences are asked to sign a legal contract restraining them from speaking about what they have seen inside the exhibition.
– Bibliotheek (Library) is a collection of books selected by Moderation(s) participants that will function as
a bibliography for Moderation(s). Future participants will be invited to suggest books, creating an ever-expanding common library that can be easily replicated by any individual, community or institution. You are welcome to download the first version of Bibliotheek (Library) here.
– Artist Michael Lee will join the project to develop a series of maps and charts that trace the larger constellation of Moderation(s) that will punctuate the year’s program with multiple cartographic online interventions.
At Witte de With:
Performances by artists including Benjamin Seror, Anthony Marcellini, Eszter Salamon and Koki Tanaka, and many more will take place in and around Rotterdam in A Thing At A Time during the weekend of April 19-20, 2013. Additionally, a conference in four parts led by four moderators, Lee Ambrozy, Amira Gad, Christina Li and Xiaoyi Weng, involving twelve guests will be staged at Witte de With. Finally, in December 2013, The Part In The Story Where A Part Becomes A Part Of Something Else, a large-scale show mounted at Witte de With that will sublimate many of the conversations and gestures found within Moderation(s) with works from artists including Bik Van der Pol, Martine Stig, Fucking Good Art, Gabriel Lester, Lucas Lenglet, Johan Zetterqvist, Ho Sin Tung, Warren Leung and Sara Wong, Ho Rui An, Ang Song Ming, Patrick Killoran and many more.
2013年, Witte de With當代藝術中心(鹿特丹)總監,策展人Defne Ayas以及Spring工作室(香港)創始人Mimi Brown共同組織發起了一個為期一年的聯合專案《Moderation(s)》。兩家機構邀請了眾多國際藝術家、策展人和作家參與到《Moderation(s)》 中,在12個月的專案活動中圍繞當代話語和當代作品展開探討與實踐,並最終能夠以提案選集的形式展示成果。藝術家張奕滿將在這一框架理念下主持該專案,其他50余位藝術家也將參與其中。項目具體包括一場討論會、三個展覽、三個駐留項目和一本短篇故事集。
Latitudes: Incidents of Travel 由Max Andrews和Mariana Cánepa Luna組成的雙人策展組合Latitudes將開展《Latitudes: Incidents of Travel》。在項目中,兩位藝術家將邀請何倩彤、陳玉瓊、唐納天和楊嘉輝等四位香港藝術家策劃一個香港一日遊行程,通過路線和地標選擇來講述這座城市、表達他們自己的藝術實踐理念。
A Fictional Residency
15 artists, curators and writers from Hong Kong will produce short stories during A Fictional Residency within a workshop led by an acclaimed author.
October 2013
A Constructed World: Social Contract
A Constructed World組合將於2013年10月在Spring工作室開展社會契約專案,屆時,所有觀眾都要在一份法律合同上簽名,保證不能將展覽中的所見所聞洩露出去。
Bibliotheek (Library) is a collection of books selected by《Moderation(s)》專案的參與者們將挑選一系列書籍組成圖書館,作為《Moderation(s)》專案的參考書目。“Moderation(s)”項目還邀請其他參與者們在今後不斷向圖書館推薦書目,從而形成一個不斷擴大的公共書庫,為其他個人、團體或機構提供觸手可及的靈感來源。歡迎點擊這裏下載第一版。Bibliotheek(圖書館)
– 藝術家李鴻輝將參與到這一專案中。他將製作一系列地圖和圖表,從更廣的範圍內追蹤《Moderation(s)》的發展印記,並通過多樣化的網路調查形式來突出這一年的各種專案。
在Witte de With當代藝術中心:
2013年4月19-20日(週末),鹿特丹及周邊地區將舉辦《A Thing at a Time》專案,Benjamin Seror、Anthony Marcellini、Eszter Salamon和田中聖等藝術家都將進行演出,同時其他精彩節目和活動也將一一呈現。此外,在Witte de With當代藝術中心, Ambrozy、Amira Gad、Christina Li和Xiaoyi Weng等四位藝術家將分別主持一場討論會的四個部分,另外還將有12位嘉賓參與研討。最後,2013年12月,大型展覽《The Part In The Story Where A Part Becomes A Part Of Something Else》將在Witte de With當代藝術中心開幕,很多《Moderation(s)》中的談話和動作都將被提取、淨化、展出,參展藝術家包括:Bik Van der Pol雙人組、Martine Stig、Fucking Good Art、Gabriel Lester、Gabriel Lester、Johan Zetterqvist、何倩彤、梁志和、Sara Wong、Ho Rui An、Ang Song Ming、Patrick Killoran等。
伙伴Witte de With當代藝術中心機構
活動Witte de With & Spring present
Moderation(s)活動2013 - 2014 -
藝術家Ang Song Ming駐場藝術家December 2014
表演Ang Song Ming
Guilty Pleasures活動August 18, 2012 -
藝術家張奕滿Moderator of Moderation(s); co-editor of Stationary
策展人Latitudes駐場策展人January / February 2013
(Library) -
Incidents of Travel
*Nadim Abbas Tour活動January 19, 2013 -
Incidents of Travel
*Open Day活動February 2, 2013 -
出版/作家Oscar van den Boogaard駐場作家June 2013
出版/作家A Fictional ResidencyJune 15 - 30, 2013
藝術家A Constructed World駐場藝術家October / November 2013
展覽A Constructed World
The Social Contract展覽November 1 - December 15, 2013 -
策展人Betti-Sue Hertz作家/策展人
策展人Venus Lau作家/策展人
策展人Ruba Katrib作家/策展人
策展人Alana Kushnir作家/策展人Nov 1 - Dec 15, 2013
策展人Mia Jankowicz作家/策展人