- 亞洲藝術文獻庫
- Defne Ayas
- Tobias Berger
- Heman Chong
- Hong Kong New Music Ensemble
- 徐文玠
- Intelligence Squared
- M+ Museum of Visual Culture
- Para Site Art Space
- Yana Peel
- Alexandra A. Seno
- 大館當代美術館
- Witte de With
A Fictional Residency
Witte de With當代藝術中心與Spring Workshop邀請了荷蘭小說家Oscar can den Boogaard到香港擔任駐場作家,主持《A Fictional Residency》寫作工作坊。Oscar can den Boogaard留港期間,約見香港藝術家、記者、作家唐納天、鄭得恩、Doretta Lau、MAP Office,進行為期四天的寫作工作坊,創作一本以工作坊名字《A Fictional Residency》命名的短篇故事集,2013年6月29日在Spring Workshop發佈。
按此下載網上版《A Fictional Residency》。
《A Fictional Residency》故事集發佈會以外,藝術家兼策展人張奕滿擔任導演,在Spring Workshop上演2001年Oscar can den Boogaard編劇的Lucia Melts。6月29日開場夜詳情。
‘Who are you?’
‘I, I, no.’
‘A name.’
‘I, I, I can’t.’
‘Where are you from?’
‘A place.’
‘I can’t say it.’
‘You have to say it.’
‘But I don’t know.’
‘A place.’
‘I don’t want to.’
‘You have to.’
A nightmare. The biography. The facts kill the truth.
‘Who are you.’
I’m, I’m … to know me you must know my friends and my loved ones and know which books I like, and which films and what kind of art and architecture and what kind of landscapes I like and clothes and colors and what types of food I like, at which times, you must know where I’ve been and have been there when I was there, to know who I am you should see the world through my eyes.
‘Who are you?’
The conversations I have, the things a fantasize over, those I have thought over and those I felt, I am what I cried over and what I have longed for, how could anyone ever understand me?
‘What is the book about?’
‘Me, me.’
‘You’re the writer.’
‘The book is about the time when I was writing the book.’
‘What’s it about?’
‘The things that happen, what I was thinking of, who I loved, who I hated, the artwork I didn’t understand.’
‘I want the story, sir. The short version of the story.’
‘I can’t tell you.’
‘You have to.’
A nightmare. The story is to the novel what the biography is to the writer. The facts kill the truth.
摘自2000年Oscar can den Boogaard 《Sensaties》。
2013年至2014年期間,Spring工作室與鹿特丹Witte de With當代藝術中心合辦「Moderation(s)」,齊集來自世界各地的藝術家、策展人和作家參與當代文化討論和製作計劃。Spring 和Witte de With 邀請了來自新加坡的藝術家、策展人、作家張弈滿(Heman Chong)對計劃提出指導。 Moderation(s) 計劃活動包括一場會議、三場展覽、三項駐留計劃及一本短篇小說集,合共超過五十名藝術家參與。按此了解計劃詳情。
伙伴Witte de With當代藝術中心機構
活動Witte de With & Spring present
Moderation(s)活動2013 - 2014 -
藝術家Ang Song Ming駐場藝術家December 2014
表演Ang Song Ming
Guilty Pleasures活動August 18, 2012 -
藝術家張奕滿Moderator of Moderation(s); co-editor of Stationary
策展人Latitudes駐場策展人January / February 2013
(Library) -
Incidents of Travel
*Nadim Abbas Tour活動January 19, 2013 -
Incidents of Travel
*Open Day活動February 2, 2013 -
出版/作家Oscar van den Boogaard駐場作家June 2013
出版/作家A Fictional ResidencyJune 15 - 30, 2013
藝術家A Constructed World駐場藝術家October / November 2013
展覽A Constructed World
The Social Contract展覽November 1 - December 15, 2013 -
策展人Betti-Sue Hertz作家/策展人
策展人Venus Lau作家/策展人
策展人Ruba Katrib作家/策展人
策展人Alana Kushnir作家/策展人Nov 1 - Dec 15, 2013
策展人Mia Jankowicz作家/策展人