- Asia Art Archive 亞洲藝術文獻庫
- Defne Ayas
- Tobias Berger
- Heman Chong 張奕滿
- Hong Kong New Music Ensemble
- Claire Hsu 徐文玠
- Intelligence Squared
- M+ Museum
- Para Site Art Space
- Yana Peel
- Alexandra A. Seno
- Tai Kwun Contemporary 大館當代美術館
- Witte de With -> Kunstinstituut Melly
Ruba Katrib
Ruba Katrib is Curator at SculptureCenter in Long Island City, New York, and was previously Associate Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami (2007 – 2012). Her recent exhibitions include A Disagreeable Object (2012), on the legacy of surrealism, and Better Homes (2013), which addressed domesticity in contemporary art, as well as the first comprehensive solo museum exhibitions of Cory Arcangel (2010) and Claire Fontaine (2010).
Her writing has appeared in several periodicals including Artforum, Kaleidoscope, and Mousse Magazine. Recent publications include New Methods (MOCA, 2013), on independent artist initiatives throughout Latin America, and Inquiries Into Contemporary Sculpture – Where is Production? (co-editor) forthcoming from Black Dog Press.
Spring Workshop and Heman Chong commissioned short texts from Betti-Sue Hertz, Mia Jankowicz, Ruba Katrib, Alana Kushnir and Venus Lau on The Social Contract which can be found here.
A Part of Moderation(s)
Moderation(s) is an ongoing collaboration that will unfold in 2013 and 2014 between Spring Workshop, Hong Kong, and Witte de With, Rotterdam. Conceived as an anthology of active proposals, Moderation(s) brings together an international group of artists, curators and writers in a year-long program of contemporary discourse and production between the two organisations. Within this framework, the artist Heman Chong will steer the project which will involve more than 50 artists and engender a conference, three exhibitions, three residencies and a book of short stories. Please click here to read more about the program.
Related Artists and Events
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Incidents of Travel
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*Open DayEventFebruary 2, 2013 -
Writer / PublicationsOscar van den BoogaardWriter-in-ResidenceJune 2013
Writer / PublicationsPublication
A Fictional ResidencyJune 15 - 30, 2013 -
ArtistA Constructed WorldArtists-in-ResidenceOctober / November 2013
ExhibitionThe Social Contract
A Constructed WorldExhibitionNovember 1 - December 15, 2013 -
CuratorBetti-Sue HertzWriter/Curator
CuratorVenus LauWriter/Curator
CuratorRuba KatribWriter/Curator
CuratorAlana KushnirWriter/CuratorNov 1 - Dec 15, 2013
CuratorMia JankowiczWriter/curator
- **Ruba Katrib: I will not see The Social Contract.
**Christina Li has given us homework.
**A Contructed World says
Relax. You can't get this wrong. - **Zoe Li: Does it even matter what's inside your space?