Open studio
*Rajesh Mehta
Friday, June 6, 7-9pm

Spring Workshop is delighted to host Mehta for a composer residency from May 19 to June 9. During his stay, Mehta will invite the Hong Kong community into his musical cosmos by sharing the development of his ongoing music-architecture project “Sounding Buildings”. He will conduct workshops involving members of the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble and students from The Modern Academy and the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, and engage the wider public through an Open House on June 6 towards the end of his residency. Click here for more event details.


Spring 工作室
香港 香港仔
黃竹坑道42號 利美中心3樓

T + 852 2110 4370
F + 852 2110 4372

週二至週五 中午12時至6時 (包括公眾假期)
